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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: A Man’s $1 Million Campaign to Troll Marjorie Taylor Greene

Chad Cunningham’s “Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 150,000 Ironies” is redefining political satire as a groundbreaking campaign designed to make a major impact but in a unique way. Utilizing 150,000 compact mirrors and donations, Cunningham plans to send these mirrors directly to Greene, aiming to lampoon her public persona while raising $1,000,000 for ActBlue, a platform supporting Kamala Harris and Democratic causes.

The campaign’s origin story is as unconventional as its execution. Inspired by Greene’s tweet criticizing Kamala Harris’s competence, Cunningham saw an opportunity to use satire as a tool for both critique and fundraising. Each mirror will be sent to Greene’s congressional office, accompanied by prepaid envelopes to maximize the campaign’s visibility and impact.

Cunningham’s innovative approach involves more than just sending mirrors. By donating $7 from each sale to ActBlue, the campaign aims to generate substantial funds for Democratic initiatives. This integration of humor and philanthropy underscores the potential for creative activism to drive real-world change.

A major element of the campaign is the production of a spoof ad featuring exaggerated portrayals of political figures. Cunningham is assembling a team of leftist film crew members and comedy writers to bring this vision to life. The ad will feature humorous depictions of Greene and other political figures, creating a satirical commentary that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Beyond the mirrors, the campaign will offer additional merchandise like tees and stickers, further expanding its reach and engagement. Cunningham’s goal is not only to support Democratic causes but also to set the stage for future projects, including the upcoming SubCult initiative.

Cunningham’s campaign is a bold example of how satire and strategic planning can be used to engage with political issues. It highlights the power of creativity in activism and offers a fresh perspective on how to drive meaningful change. For those interested in supporting the cause, Cunningham’s website provides various ways to contribute and get involved, making it easy to participate in this innovative effort.